Friday, 1 November 2013

South Silver, California America

Picture this….a skate park meeting a water slide and having a kayakers dream as their child. Welcome to the Granite Highway!!

On the way up the hill. South Silver, CA, America.
Photo//Greg Lee

 After watching countless videos and hearing stories we were fired up to be heading toward the South Silver at optimal  flow. We arrived early afternoon and after a quick stroll down the hill we were at Auto Barn.

Rata Lovell-Smith Getting her slide on. South Silver, CA America
Photo//Greg Lee
Too good to only do once we all hiked our boats up two or three times. After Auto Barn there's a nice little boof into a tight run out, followed by a short portage around a little bit of mank which then saw us at the next super clean drop.

Phil Palzer enjoying the goods of the Tea Cups.
Photo//Jacob Schrama
After the last Tea Cup you have to punch a couple of holes to catch the last eddy above Sky Scraper which flows straight into off ramp. At my first glance I didn't want much to do with it, however after washing some ‘sand", I made my way to the top. As I sit writing this I can feel my heart beating fast as I replay the drop.  As I took my stroke out of the eddy I was fully committed.

There’s something about the feeling of rolling over the lip of a drop that keeps me going back for more.

Rata Lovell-Smith gets air time on Off Ramp. South Silver, CA, America.
Photo//Greg Lee
Greg Lee fully focused and about to go flying. Sky Scraper South Silver, CA, America.
Photo//Rata Lovell-Smith

The boy’s all had nice lines and we made another quick portage on the right. Next is another fast section into Plastic Surgery, which goes way better than it looks.

South Silver, CA, America.
Photo//Jacob Scharma

We started to rally the last section as it was getting dark. This is what happened next..

Phil disappeared over the horizon line, as I rolled over the lip I saw him trying to show me the line. I’m way off line and about to drop into the pit of a burly looking granite hole, adrenaline and fear rush through me as I pull on my stroke and try to lift my nose.

I can hear my heart in my ears as time slows down, the white tentacles latch on and throw me with force back into the white.

I’m now in the washing machine on spin. I try hard to fight my way out but it isn't going to free me. I pull my deck, but I’m still in there.

I'm running out of breath, I throw myself at the green but I’m pulled straight back. Fear overwhelms me, I’m not getting out. I kick myself off the bottom and see Phil. I can see his fear, and I’m pulled back under. I’m running out of strength, I kick off again only to get pulled under. I try again throwing my hands into the air.

Greg spots them and throws his bag.  The rope lands in my hand and I use the last of my strength to hold on to it and pull Phil out with me, who had paddled into tri get me out.

Emotions are high as Greg and Phil pull me up on the bank.  It’s these times where friend’s turn into family, ready to give all they have for their buddy.

The good life, lake side. South Silver, CA, America.
Photo//Greg Lee
The South Silver is about 30 Minutes from Placervile on Hwy 50. The Best Place to get info is on Dream Flows and Darin Mcquoid’s Blog.

A must do!! And the camping doesn't get much better than this.

Thanks, Rata. 

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