Sunday, 23 September 2012

Spring Is Here

A long, dry and gruelling winter on the west coast made getting out paddling a challenge. With little time to spare in between polytech and assignments, we started home brewing beer (with mixed results), I named my first brew Marmite and Phils was aptly named coffee.

Red, One of the new family members. Greymouth, New Zealand

Photo//Greg Lee
Along with our brewing skills we have acquired two pet lawnmowers named red and skimpy, who are currently grazing the back lawn and doing a good job of it. But with perfectly good white water flowing so freely out to sea, we have been itching to get out, and spring fever is kicking in. we have been ripping into a few of the local runs. Multiple laps on the Kakapotahi, Toaroha, Totara, Arahura and Dobson wave were possible due to the two weeks of rain during our holidays. 9 out of the past 10 days were on the rivers and it  felt good after a long dry winter. One trip of note was the Styx, which we decided to explore. After two years here we couldn't leave without sampling some of the Styx magic.
'Pinky' after the hard drive in.
Photo//Rata Lovell-Smith
'Vroooooom scrape crack put put put' were the noises coming from Phils little hatch back car as he came flying up the four wheel drive on the way into the Styx. Closely  followed by the roar of Dans 3L surf, which had no trouble. Gear on and ready for a long slog we walked to the put in, Myself, Phil and Martijn decided to run the top rapid above the normal put in. We had mixed results, and a near miss as Martijn scouted the underside of a very large boulder below the last drop.

Martijn getting up close and personal with the sieve. Styx River, West Coast NZ.
Photo//Rata Lovell-Smith

We quickly caught up with the others and cruised on down some classic grade 4 boulder gardens, boat scouting most of it. A sick 3m clean boof encouraged the cameras out and we all had multiple laps of it, while trying to perfect our boofs. All up it was a great day out and good to see some of the boys pushing the limits, taking risks and then getting the rewards. The walk suddenly becomes enjoyable, you have a good crew who you trust with your life and things go as planned! Its days like this that you think to yourself 'This is why I do this!' Chur!

Martijn on the top rapid. Styx River, West Coast NZ.

Photo//Rata Lovell-Smith
'Boof boss Phil'. Styx River, West Coast NZ.

Photo// Greg Lee
Phil entering the crux of the day. Styx River, West Coast NZ

Photo//Rata Lovell-Smith

Styx River, West Coast NZ.

Photo//Rata Lovell-Smith

Dan Morgan on the 'Buffer'. Styx River, West Coast NZ.

Photo//Rata Lovell-Smith

Greg Lee lining up of the many drops. Styx River, West Coast NZ.

Photo//Rata Lovell-Smith

Greg Lee on the Styx River, West Coast NZ.

Photo//Rata Lovell-Smith

Martijn going hard! Styx River, West Coast NZ.

Photo//Rata Lovell-Smith

Phil hitting a new line. Styx River, West Coast NZ.

Photo//Rata Lovell-Smith

Dan Morgan waits to take his stroke. Styx River, West Coast NZ.

Photo//Rata Lovell-Smith
Written by Greg Lee

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